Design Documents
& Storyboards
A design document is the first step in developing a learning solution. These are used to communicate course content to stakeholders and create a general structure of the desired course before storyboard design begins.

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Guest Service Strategy for Restaurant Hosts
This course was designed to support a restaurant's goal of improving guest feedback of the host staff. The design document includes the business purpose, training recommendation, learning objectives, and the outline for the Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables:

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Breast Cancer Awareness
This course was designed to educate women on breast cancer risk factors, early detection, and prevention. The design document includes the business purpose, training recommendation, learning objectives, and the outline for the Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables:

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Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Employees in the Workplace
This course was designed to help companies better accommodate their deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. The design document includes the business purpose, training recommendation, learning objectives, and the outline for the Articulate Rise 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables: e-Learning Course

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Effective Hiring Strategies
This training plan was designed to help companies develop more effective hiring strategies, including interviewing scenarios, on- the-job mentoring, and job aids. The design document includes the business purpose, training recommendation, learning objectives, and the outline for an Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables: Storyboard
A storyboard is used to lay out the structure, navigation, content, and audio for an e-Learning course. It is revised and finalized with all stakeholders before moving forward with development.

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Guest Service Strategy for Restaurant Hosts
This course was designed to support a restaurant's goal of improving guest feedback of the host staff. The storyboard includes audio narration, on-screen text, visuals, and functionality for each slide in the Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables:

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Breast Cancer Awareness
This course was designed to educate women on breast cancer risk factors, early detection, and prevention. The storyboard includes audio narration, on-screen text, visuals, and functionality for each slide in the Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables:

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Effective Hiring Strategies
This course was designed to help companies develop more effective hiring strategies. The storyboard includes audio narration, on-screen text, visuals, and functionality for each slide in the Articulate Storyline 360 e-Learning course.
Additional deliverables: Design Document

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Customizing Gmail Signatures
This microlearning video was designed for novice-level Gmail users wishing to customize their email signatures, including how to add an image and how to choose signature preferences. The storyboard includes audio narration, on-screen text, visuals, and functionality describing what should be happening on the screen.
Additional deliverables: Video

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How to Raise a Reader
This microlearning video was designed for new parents of infants at ABC Preschool. It provides visual learning highlighting the benefits of reading and steps parents can take to foster a love of reading in their infant and toddler-aged children. The storyboard includes audio narration, on-screen text, visuals, and functionality describing what should be happening on the screen.
Additional deliverables: Video